GRSB Updates for July 10, 2024

A friend of mine writes regular Substack articles, ostensibly about wine marketing, but in reality a bit of everything with which he then finds connection back to the world of wine. Today's article, however, caught my eye because it referenced sustainability and specifically a study by the Kantar Worldpanel, which found that 44% of people actively avoid "green" or "sustainable" options.

44% is a number that grew after the pandemic. Only only 18% of people are "EcoActives" who seek out green or sustainable options. That is a number that's shrunk.

The rest are open to eco products, but easily dissuaded. Attaching claims that have non-tangible benefits ("reducing carbon emissions") for the shopper comes with the danger of leading people to think they're either (a) paying more for you, the company, to be virtuous, or (b) buying something less good for the same price.

This is connected to the problem outlined by Rory Sutherland "that a noisy minority has co-opted the focus of political debate from discussing how problems can best be solved, to demonstrating how much they care about those problems. This is self-defeating. Most complex problems are usually solved obliquely with some cunning, small, often counter-intuitive interventions using some form of systems thinking. But those primarily motivated by status-seeking prefer to signal their commitment by demanding interventions that are direct, expensive and visible."

Think for example, about the ultra-rich and their causes; the solutions they offer are frequently virtue signalling (remember Joaquin Phoenix and his "only one Tuxedo for the awards season"?), but beyond the reach of (or relevance to) the average person and unlikely to be contributing to a serious reduction of the problem.

Combine that unfortunate reality with the increasing confusion created by massive oversupply of (mis)information, gaslighting and outright lies and you have a recipe for inertia and counterproductive decision making both at the policy and the individual level.

With the upcoming US election, we may see more climate, biodiversity and other sustainability positions in the news there in the years to come.

The percentage of consumers who are interested in green or sustainable options there may fall even further. For companies, this suggests that it is going to continue to be a challenge to get any kind of a premium for sustainability. Given existing commitments, the most logical path forward is to collaborate and ensure that sustainability truly is a precompetitive attribute, something that the consumer is not being sold, but something that they get anyway, because that is where the mainstream is moving.

Thank you, 

Ruaraidh Petre
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Executive Director
10 July 2024

Session: Data & Innovation Driving BEEF Sustainability

Moderated by Ruaraidh Petre
GRSB Executive Director.

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Getting data on your production system is critical to making management decisions to improve productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. But data is not the only place innovation is creating progress.


Tad Sonstegardd
President & CEO


Gabriela Castro-Fontoura
Regional Dir. Latin Am
Oritain Global Ltd.


Phil Chan
Chief Production 


Genetics has a huge influence over productivity and welfare. Having the right cattle that thrive is essential to reducing impact. In today’s world, it is also essential to be able demonstrate what we are doing with robust data to back up any claims that we make related to our product

This session will demonstrate three ways innovation is providing our industry with better management, better cattle and better relationships with our world.

 Register today for the  
Global Conference on Sustainable Beef 
in Punta del Este, Uruguay


Moderated by by Josefina Eisele and Hillary Fenrich,
co-chairs of the GRSB Nature Positive
 Working Group.


The webinar will focus on grasslands, rangelands and savannahs and the definitions of each.

We will be taking a look at the drivers of conversion in different parts of the globe.

We are delighted to welcome you as GRSB members.
We look forward to working with you

For a most suitable partnership opportunity, please contact: Katie Ambrose, Director of Member Relations at

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