GRSB Updates for May 1, 2024

I hope many of you had the chance to watch our webinar last week on innovations that are improving efficiency and sustainability of the beef industry.

We heard from three relatively recent additions to GRSB membership, each addressing innovations they have developed that contribute to our efficiency and innovation principle and to our goals.

ProAgni is a company run by livestock producers who have been looking at the sustainability of beef from a holistic viewpoint. They have focused on the challenge of reducing antimicrobials while increasing feed efficiency and productivity.

Their ProTect range of products are thus solving two problems that a producer is faced with, one of antimicrobial resistance and the need for efficient production to remain competitive. In developing this, they also found that by improving gut efficiency, particularly rumen efficiency, they had a product that also contributes to lowering methane emissions intensity (i.e. lower emissions per kg of meat.)

Aaron Laube introduced (MPSC) Rinse and Chill, a company that has been in business for over 25 years, and is a service provider to abattoirs.

Their process accelerates chilling of the carcass after harvest and removes blood more completely from the carcass than simply draining them. As a result, less energy is used in the plant and yield increases, as does shelf life, while dark cutting is eliminated. Again, this was an innovation that was developed to one issue and yet contributes significantly to overall efficiency and quality. Efficiency gains are in the order of a whole extra carcass per 18 processed, or a 5.5% gain. Combine that with production gains using existing best management practices and you are making progress towards the GRSB and wider industry Goals.

Colin South introduced ArkeaBio, another company concerned with the efficiency of livestock production, and determined to find a solution that can work worldwide for grazing systems where administration of feed additives is difficult.

The challenge they have set themselves is to develop a vaccine that knocks out the methanogens (predominantly archaea) in the rumen. This would clearly result in lower methane emissions, the major source of emissions from cattle. At the same time, it frees up the energy that is used in producing methane for productive purposes (ie growing more beef).

Antibodies to methanogens already exist in the cattle population, but not at the levels required in the rumen to have a large effect on emissions. Arkeabio is developing a vaccine that will multiply and concentrate the immune response resulting in sufficient antibodies in the rumen to suppress methane emissions for a period of months, i.e. compatible with normal husbandry / handling of cattle on even large and extensively managed operations.

This week, I am in the US for the USRSB general assembly and look forward to seeing some of you there. Later in May I will be in Cancun for the World Buiatrics congress, so let me know if you are there as well. It would be good to meet up.

As discussed in our first quarter board meeting, a number of work streams are progressing including Nature Positive Production. We have also just submitted a joint proposal to the FAO sub committee on livestock to have representatives hear about the roundtable network’s nature positive work. For those of you who have not come across the joint work of Archbold research station with AllTech, it makes for great reading, and viewing as there is also a series of videos about it.

Thank you, 

Ruaraidh Petre
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Executive Director
1 May 2024

Last week I was in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the General Assembly of the Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock. The meeting began with the welcome of the President of the Board, Netto Schimansky, Director of Supply for NORVIDA and Vice-President Fernando Sampaio, Director of Sustainability for ABIEC.

GRSB Regional Director for Latin America Josefina Eisele presents GRSB to the Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock General Assembly 

The Directors of the Brazilian Roundtable, together with the staff, presented the 15 years of progress by the Mesa Brasilera, formerly called the Sustainable Livestock Working Group “GTPS, The Roundtable has more than 65 associated organizations, some key metrics about their membership and work:

  • All together, the associated industries harvested around 8.5 million heads of beef in 2023.
  • Financial institutions represent 9 million customers served and over $50,000 US dollars of credit granted to Brazilian agribusiness. Specifically for the farm, over ninety-five million US dollars was granted in credit.
  • The input companies have more than 14 thousand technicians in the field and 20 thousand farmers served.
  • Rural producers produce more than 266 thousand heads of livestock, 168 thousand hectares of pastures and 263 thousand hectares of conservation area.
  • Civil society organizations have 28 projects underway with 83 technicians involved. More than 2,100 Brazilian farmers benefited.
  • Retailers and restaurants sold more than 12 thousand tons of meat and served more than 1.5 thousand customers this year. New controls will be carried out around 210 thousand farms, following socio-environmental and geomonitoring criteria. Furthermore, 57% of its providers adhere to internal policies and socio-environmental criteria.

The Brazilian RT launched the first publication of the Summary of Sustainable Farming Data in September 2023. The report presented the analysis of data from 925 farms that completed the GIPS (Sustainable Farming Indicators Guide) between 2021 and 2022. Based on Summary information and GIPS indicators, income earners can make better decisions, implement responsible practices and promote sustainable management of income activity, contributing to the preservation of the environment, the well-being of workers, and the strengthening of local communities and promotion of a more sustainable beef value chain.

The Brazilian RT, together with other local institutions, presented the Bovine Traceability Plan to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. Guidelines for a national and individual public policy on bovine tractability were presented. By 2023, the public policy proposal that presents a feasible and efficient system for its application throughout the national territory was created by the Traceability Working Group, and finally, endorsed by the Brazilian Coalition for Climate, Forests and Agriculture.

The General Assembly participants of the Brazilian Roundtable for Sustainable Livestock, formerly called the Sustainable Livestock Working Group “GTPS”.

This progress report was presented to GRSB, expressing the importance of aligning global goals with national goals, along with the latest discussion on 2030 strategy and priorities.

From this presentation, many points emerged that Mesa Brasilera will include in its strategic plan. I highlighted the importance of discussing national goals in Climate, Positive Nature and Animal Health, aligned with the GRSB Goals. Existing Work Groups will evaluate the best ways to approach it. We also coincide in the prioritization of strategic areas such as Communication, events and dissemination of technical and “emotional” aspects on producing and consuming sustainable meat. Another area of importance for the Brazilian Roundtable is the Social area, linked to Human Rights.

The meeting ended with the election of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Producers, through Ana Doralina Menezes, now have the Presidency of the Board. Lisandro Inakake de Imaflora, representing the services sector is the new Board Vice President. Fernando Sampaio of ABIEC (the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association) is the new Treasurer.

It really was very enriching to be able to participate in the event and meet people face to face. Virtuality is very practical for some things, but in-person is very important for improving human and work relationships.

Thank you,

Josefina Eisele
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Regional Director for Latin America 
1 May 2024

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We look forward to working with you.

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