What's the news right now about an environmentally sound,
socially responsible and economically viable beef value chain?

It was so good to see many familiar faces in San Diego at the GRSB 2023 Communicators Summit tour and meetings. In-person meetings are very valuable and though I recognise that it is hard for many members to travel long distances, perhaps the lesson is that we should have more opportunities to meet face to face with a regional focus. In any case, I really appreciate the time spent with our members, and find that we gain so much more than we do through virtual meetings.

Immediately following on from our own Communicators Summit, the Protein PACT Summit took place in the same venue. A considerably larger event than our own, it was an eye opener to see the number of organisations that are committed to Protein PACT and their goals. Ian and I were asked to participate in a panel discussion together with Tim Hardman and Tom Chen. Our panel added an international dimension and talked about the importance of engaging in national and international policy dialogues, and of realising that consumer demand is by no means the biggest driver of sustainability.

On that subject, planning is fully underway for CoP28 in Dubai. We have a confirmed official UNFCCC side event. We did participate in one last year, but this year it is organised by GRSB together with Canadian Cattle Association, Beef and Lamb New Zealand and the Global Dairy Platform. It will take place on the 8th of December and since the main food and agriculture events are on the 9th and 10th, this is quite fortuitous timing (see thematic calendar here.)

We are also approaching some country pavilions, FAO and NGOs to speak in their pavilions if possible, and have submitted two proposals to IICA for events in their pavilion. This year we have four badges to attend CoP, so Josefina and I will be there, largely in the second week, and we are identifying two others who can attend. Bob Lowe, our Vice President, will also be there and has secured a badge elsewhere which is good news for us as it means we have one more than otherwise. Any members planning on participating should take part in our monthly planning calls and share information about activities they are planning and learn what we will be doing.

We have also been allocated five virtual passes for CoP28, which enable you to follow the formal negotiations online. If you are keen to do that to gain a greater insight into the discussions between member states in the lead up to their CoP decision, please let me know.

Planning is also underway for the Global Conference on Sustainable Beef in Uruguay next year. Having visited the country several times, I can tell you that it is a very friendly place, with some of the most hospitable people there are. With a much smaller population than some of its larger Latin American neighbours and a very robust economy, Uruguay is well developed and very easy going. I very much hope that you can plan to be there for the week of the 30th September 2024.

Thank you, 

Ruaraidh Petre
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Executive Director
18 October 2023

Incredibly, we are already reaching the last months of the year, therefore, the last trips and face-to-face meetings with colleagues and current or potential members of GRSB. It makes me very happy to see that membership continues to increase, and above all that Latin American organizations joined during 2023. Uruguay and Brazil led these new memberships in the region. 

These days, we are coordinating the COP28 events. Just like last year, we will be present in the IICA pavilion, where we will have high-level conversations with experts (producers, or other organizations that work with producers) who work in livestock farming and have various actions to recover degraded areas. We are going to incorporate representatives from the sustainable finance sector into the discussion, where the financial incentives or opportunities that the producer has can be addressed.

The other event will be about Global Livestock Industry Commitments to Mitigation and Adaptation at Scale. We will show what role the industry can have in contributing to climate change mitigation, and the importance of adapting to climate change in order to remain a significant provider of valuable food from lands that are unsuited to human edible crop production.

It is important that all member organizations at COP28 can coordinate activities on the days they are there. It is important to carry a coordinated message and have panels that discuss sustainable meat, especially on days when the focus is going to be Food.

Thank you,

Josefina Eisele
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Regional Director for Latin America 
18 October 2023


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