What's the news right now about an environmentally sound,
socially responsible and economically viable beef value chain?

As it seems to happen every year, the third and fourth quarters look to be packed with meetings where we should be represented.

Given our limited staff, it is not always possible to attend everything that we would like. Fortunately, national roundtables sometimes represent our network. We are fortunate to have board members, executive committee members and others attend meetings and report the conversations taking place. They also make introductions to people and organisations that align well with our work.

On 24th-26th July there is the UN FSS +2 Stocktaking moment in Rome. We are not lined up to speak at that event and neither Josefina nor I are available to be there. If any members are going to it, please let us know. I am aware that several other livestock sector organisations, including dairy, will be there.

Between August 26th and September 1st, the EAAP, WAAP (European and World Associations for Animal Production) and Interbull Congress is taking place in Lyons, France. This year's theme is "Climate Change, Biodiversity and Global Sustainability of Animal Production." This is a highly relevant event for us to attend. We submitted an abstract and will be presenting on the work of GRSB and our network there.

On the 25th-27th of September FAO is holding a conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation in Rome. Again, we are submitting proposals to be represented there. As the agenda is limited and the number of side events restricted, competition for speaking slots is quite intense.

Our own Communicators Summit is, of course, taking place in San Diego from 2-4th October, immediately preceding the Protein PACT Summit (5-6th October.) I'm sure there will be many members at those two events.

On the 11th-14th October, the World Meat Congress is taking place in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Typically we do try to attend this if possible, but the number of meetings to attend at that time this year severely tests our travel budget.

The Committee for Food Security of FAO is holding its 51st annual meeting in Rome between 23rd and 27th of October, again with focus on sustainability. There is also potential for us to present and we submitted a proposal for a side event. If accepted, we would likely be grouped with other livestock organisations.

The 13th Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) Meeting is in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 30th October until the 3rd November. We have regularly attended this in the past. This year I would give priority to attending the Committee for Food Security, as many more member states are represented there. If it is possible to have representatives at both, we will.

CoP28 will take place in Dubai from 30th November to 12th December. The first full week is going to be the most important for agriculture and livestock organisations, and we plan to be there and participate in side events, as we did last year.

With the exception of the GASL meeting in Thailand, you can see that the majority of these meetings, many of which are influential and will have some feed into UN processes, including CoP, are taking place in the Northern hemisphere, and quite a few in Europe.

While it is not the main reason for my decision, it coincides with my move to live in Scotland, which is planned to take place in August. Certainly being based back (almost) in Europe will help to cover many of the meetings that take place and should make travel less expensive than from New Zealand.

However, as you can see, logistically even then, some of these are challenging for a GRSB as a small organisation with limited staff. Your support by attending some of these meetings, or helping with travel costs to do so is always highly appreciated, and it pays dividends to have livestock organisations present at all such gatherings.

In the meantime, we are still making good progress on the social impact Principle & Criteria and goal, as well as on the reporting framework. I want to acknowledge the hard work all of the National Roundtables are doing along with our Working Group leads to make that happen.

We should be aware of the level of the challenge that we have set for the National Roundtables. It is unrealistic to expect all of them will be ready to report in all areas this year, and that is acceptable. We knew our goals were challenging when we set them, and one of the biggest challenges is collection and management of data.

So this, our first reporting year, will be a trial and will no doubt expose issues that we had not considered at the time of setting the goals. The last thing that we want to happen is for this to end up discouraging roundtables or members, or create divisiveness between them.

Thank you, 

Ruaraidh Petre
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Executive Director
28 June 2023

Last week, I was lucky enough to travel to Barcelona for the Textile Exchange (TE) team meeting as part of my part-time role in the Leather team, and the Impact Incentives Program.

It was a very nice experience. More than 150 people from different parts of the world, who work remotely at Textile Exchange, traveled to it. Once a year, they manage to hold these face-to-face meetings to consolidate the teams. In addition to the plenary and strategy meetings, there were team meetings to plan the rest of 2023 and 2024.

One of the topics we discussed was how to better collaborate with GRSB. There are two main areas where both organizations can collaborate: Textile Exchange Climate + Goal and Impact Incentives.

In the first point, the Textile Exchange in its Climate + Goal aims to guide the industry towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the production of fibers and raw materials by 45% by 2030. This includes the leather industry. "LCA+" is Textile Exchange's approach to impact measurement that goes beyond just addressing carbon emissions, and also recognizes impacts related to biodiversity, soil health, water, animal welfare and the media of life. As you can see, all are very similar to GRSB's Global Sustainability Goals.

Textile Exchange is actively working with expert partner organizations who are developing methodologies and modeling approaches to capture industry progress in these other impact areas beyond climate. The Textile Exchange GHG impact model calculations will be updated as the underlying data sets are improved, whether production volume data, sector split data or GHG emissions factors.I think this area has a clear link, especially when we talk about the LCA of Leather and the relationship with meat and our global goals.

The TE Climate + team and the GRSB Working Group leaders have had some exchanges, but I think it is key that this continues in the coming months, as we are both embarking on this very large effort with data and its accuracy.

As for Impact Incentives and the Impact Alliance, made up of different organizations that pursue the same concept, TE offers a fully developed and adaptable solution to drive the adoption of any sustainability standard or system.

Building on the current impact incentive scopes addressing deforestation/conversion and animal welfare, additional scopes will be added as members expand their use of impact incentives to more commodities and impact areas, and as new members join the Alliance. New scopes may include areas of sustainability such as land, water, or social management. I have presented this concept in other Connect or Board of Directors meetings....

Our idea is to add Impact Incentives for Beef, where meat buyers who are in the last link in the chain can directly support producers in the implementation of better practices. The scopes of best practices can be varied, from those already developed for Deforestation/Conversion Leathers and Animal Welfare, to new scopes linked to the new Social impact goal being developed by GRSB. For those interested in learning more about this, you can write to me or organize a call with the Textile Exchange team.

In the coming months of the year, in addition to attending some of the events that Rory mentioned, and others in the region to which I was also invited, my focus will be on supporting each of the Tables in the understanding, adoption, and reporting of the GRSB goals.

It is an ambitious challenge, where we all know that historical and current data is lacking, and in the cases that exist, it is not easy to access them, for different reasons. We are working on this and collaborating with research institutions, such as IICA, which seeks a similar objective to ours in terms of data and ways to demonstrate progress and industry commitment to sustainability. 

Thank you,

Josefina Eisele
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Regional Director for Latin America 
28 June 2023


October 2-4, 2023

Rancho Bernardo Inn

San Diego, California, US

Monday, October 2

All Day Imperial Valley Tour


Tuesday, October 3

2023 GRSB Communicators Summit:

Powering Beef Sustainability Communications

Join us at the GRSB Communicators Summit! We will hear success stories from roundtables and industry partners on communicating progress towards climate targets and goals. As well, experts will share how we can leverage global events, like COP28, to promote sustainable beef on the world stage. Breakout discussions will offer lots of engagement and opportunities to learn how to amplify GRSB communications and inform our strategy into 2024.

Wednesday, October 4

National Roundtables

& Goals Working Groups Meetings

Board of Directors Meeting

Watch for Registration and More Information Coming Soon!

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