What's the news right now about an environmentally sound,
socially responsible and economically viable beef value chain?

Save the Date: March 27-31, 2023

GRSB Updates 25 January 2023

It has been our intention over the years to build a portfolio of projects working on different aspects of beef sustainability in different regions of the world. These projects could be research, demonstration or scaling up and would become a useful source of reference for those around the world looking at improving sustainability of any part of the beef value chain.

Many of our members are already implementing projects, and an easy step in the direction of creating our own portfolio is to collect information on those and share findings, as well as new questions or unresolved issues that have arisen from them.

So please, do share information on projects that you have been involved in, so that we can create a library of materials that can be referred to others with interests in the same area. Furthermore, please contact us with ideas for further work that builds on the projects with which you have already been involved.

Through the participation of so many leading beef players, we have the potential to build partnerships that include a wide range of players globally. Together, we can look for any required external financing for such efforts.

Many of you were able to get a preview of some of the material from Peter Byck's upcoming film series "Roots so Deep" back in November at the Global Conference. It's great material and his channel is well worth a browse (see for example here, Soil Carbon Cowboys, which includes Spanish subtitles). These are great films, and we would love to see similar research and material from other regions.

Similarly, Guardians of the Grasslands and Too Close to Home from Canada, are excellent material to share and help people, who maybe only have heard negative information about cattle raising, to appreciate its positive possibilities.

And while I am on the subject of films, Sacred Cow is both a film and an excellent book full of useful references.

I would be delighted if you could share your own materials. They definitely don't have to be in the form of polished films like the above. In fact, maybe a possible project could be to create a film about some work that you feel has been particularly valuable where you are, but has not had the exposure you feel it deserves. Other possibilities are to replicate things that have been successfully demonstrated somewhere else, but have not yet been tried where you are.

Our three goal areas are obvious places to start in looking for projects, under the broad headings of Climate, Nature Positive Production and Animal Health and Welfare. I feel the majority of sustainability projects could be accommodated, because there are so many linkages between sustainability aspects when you look at systems holistically.

Over the coming weeks, we will be revisiting the terms of reference for each of our working groups to make sure that we have a core group of experts in the technical areas involved in each of them coordinating activities and helping to drive progress and reporting.

We will also need volunteers in each of those working groups to help identify and work on project ideas that can help deliver against our goals. If there is an area you would like to be involved with, please share your interest by getting in touch with Ruaraidh or Josefina or Julie.

Regarding livestock projects, Latin America in recent years has implemented a large number of projects and most have been successful. The expansion of livestock, with its positive and negative aspects, has attracted many funds that have been transformed into multiple projects in various areas of our countries.

I believe that one of the main shortcomings is the lack of communication between projects and in some cases the lack of continuity when donors finish their financing period.

At GRSB, we can identify and structure projects according to sustainability issues that have an impact and show their results. And, as Rory mentioned above, in the case of identifying the needs of new projects or simply the continuity of the existing ones, we can work together in the search for funds. In the meetings of the Latin American Roundtables, this was also identified as a priority.

The RoundTable of Brazil has worked on Mapping the Initiatives of the members of its table, which aims to be a benchmark for sustainable livestock projects in the country. The Table of Paraguay, on its website, has a Library area where it refers to documents, research on various topics of sustainable livestock relevant to the country. There is very useful and detailed information that is worth spending time and reading.

Another case of a GRSB partner working on mapping initiatives is the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, which hired an external consultant to map projects in Latin America. Unfortunately GRSB was not consulted when this work was done, but as soon as they have the first draft version, they will add projects that we also have mapped.

IICA also has a mapping of initiatives within which livestock is included, and can be consulted. FONTAGRO also has a map of projects and distinguishes those that have had successful results.

It would be interesting to see films similar to Peter Byck's in our region, but at this time I don't know of any. Let us know if you do!

Thank you,

Josefina Eisele
Regional Director South America 


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