GRSB Updates for March 20, 2024

Our nutrition group has met twice now and is considering the social aspects of sustainability as they relate to beef, or more widely to animal-source foods.

One of the interesting questions that has arisen is that of what “too much” meat consumption might be. It is often repeated, and I have done this myself, without thinking too deeply, that there are many people in the world who are malnourished and could do with more meat in their diet, and that there are also those who eat “too much” meat.

Diets are really complicated to study. Firstly, most surveys rely on people’s recall of what they ate over a given period, which is open to poor recall and misrepresentation (i.e., some people will deliberately say their diet is what they think is better.)

Secondly, we eat foods, not individual nutrients, and in general, we do not measure portions accurately. Different foods interact with each other in different ways, and the number of combinations and thus interactions in a diet is enormous.

One thing we can study a little more accurately is the impact of a dietary recommendation, at least in terms of its nutritional adequacy. We know the level of nutrients, macro and micro that are required for different ages and gender groups.

Dietary guidelines were initially formulated to recommend levels of different food groups to arrive at an overall healthy intake that meets the population’s needs and results in lower levels of non-communicable diseases.

The dietary guidelines for Americans were first issued in 1980 and have been updated every five years since, and most other high income countries followed soon after. The content varies as research throws more light on health impacts of different foods, not always consistently. In general, they have favoured a reduction in saturated fats, and more recently a reduction in processed and red meat, following publication of IARC’s findings that processed meat is carcinogenic (on a long list of carcinogens).

The fact that processed meat probably only causes 5% of the number of cancers per year as alcohol, or 12.5% as many as air pollution is rarely dwelt upon. Red meat is considered “probably carcinogenic” (level 2A) which is on a par with drinking hot beverages above 65°C (149°F), or one level above aspartame.

Of course, there are other health concerns that one reads around meat consumption, mostly to do with the saturated fat content, but I have been surprised to read people even associate red meat consumption with type 2 diabetes. It appears to be conflating two entirely different things, namely excessive consumption overall with a high intake of red meat. The link between obesity and type 2 diabetes is well established, and it is no surprise to find that a proportion of obese people are found to have high intakes of red meat.

It has been said of dietary guidelines that the one thing which everyone agrees on is that no one follows them. That is not entirely true. There has been a significant shift away from saturated fats and a reduction in red meat consumption in many HICs, although this does not coincide with noticeably better health outcomes. Government institutions tend to be required to provide diets that are in line with guidelines.

In recent years, there has been a trend to include environmental impact as a parameter in dietary guidelines. This is a significant challenge for those involved in their formulation, first because they primarily involved nutritionists to begin with, and secondly because it is rather hard to generalise about the environmental impact of a whole class of products.

In following this path, there have been further challenges, and ensuring nutritional adequacy while sticking to putative environmental boundaries is one of them. The most high-profile diet that aimed to achieve “planetary health” i.e., both environmental and human health in recent years, was the EAT Lancet diet, which has been found to be deficient in a variety of macro and micro nutrients.

A paper by two of the members of our nutrition panel, Ty Beal and Marion Herrero , and other colleagues, have shed light on the role of animal-source foods in diets using this environmental approach. Further, a recent review article looked at 56 papers covering micronutrient intake and concluded that “Lower intakes and status of micro nutrients of public health concern are a potential outcome of dietary changes to reduce environmental impacts. Adequate consideration of context and nutritional requirements is required to develop evidence-based recommendations”.

We are keen to advocate for overall healthy diets that include red meat without negative environmental consequences, and doing so requires an understanding of healthy ranges of intakes and the trade-offs between them. This is an active field of research, so it will probably end up being a position that requires refinement over time.

Thank you, 

Ruaraidh Petre
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Executive Director
20 March 2024

Debates on Nutrition and Food Systems in the Latin American region are not as frequent as in more developed countries and it is not a role that national governments have actively taken on.  

There are new campaigns on Food Education in younger populations, but I consider the level of debate and education to be very low compared to more developed countries.

Many people in our region, and the rest of the world, lack access to sufficient, safe, affordable and nutritionally quality food. That is the focus of national governments and the challenge for the average consumer. In Argentina, 40.1% of the population is poor, and 40% of minors suffer from child malnutrition. This situation is repeated in many other Latin American countries and is even more serious in the Caribbean region or other areas of Central America.

In an IICA publication, I read about the role of the Americas in global food and nutritional security and in the provision of ecosystem services. There are some messages that I would like to highlight, with which I agree:

“Generalization and the proposal of universal formulas should be avoided. That is, the principle of locally adapted solutions in accordance with national realities must be followed. To face the challenges, productive policies are required in rural areas, as well as social protection policies aimed at the most vulnerable sectors. In the region, situations of poverty and inequality persist incompatible with the notion of progress that fuels the debate on the road to the Food Systems Summit."

“Decisions about what to consume should be left to the consumer who makes their decisions based on historical, cultural, access and availability factors, among others, which must be respected. The State must educate and inform about healthy diets, as well as develop prevention campaigns to protect public health, based on updated information and scientific evidence.”

This point seems fundamental to me, especially when we read that certain cities, schools or companies remove beef from the diet, without allowing the consumer to make their own decisions.

Finally, as the publication says, “There are still certain challenges and room for improvement in several areas, such as production, health and food safety, nutritional quality and the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. The agricultural sector has played a central role in this system and has proven resilient to shocks and stresses.

“On the other hand, the proposed transformation must necessarily consider environmental health (with special emphasis on soil and water health), as well as human and animal health, given its importance and the interconnection between the three dimensions.

“Furthermore, international agricultural trade is a key aspect of food systems, given its direct impact on the orientation of production and consumption processes. Therefore, it must be open, transparent and predictable, while it must be safeguarded from the unilateral imposition of unjustified tariff and non-tariff barriers.”

Incorporating different national and regional perspectives into the debates is one of the strong points of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, trying to make global strategies but with local implementations, appropriate to each situation and order of priority.

Thank you,

Josefina Eisele
Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Regional Director for Latin America 
20 March 2024


Register today for tomorrow's Webinar 

EUDR legislation was enacted last year and will become operational as of the beginning of 2025. The purpose of the legislation is to exclude commodities from the EU market that have contributed to deforestation or that were illegally produced in the country of origin.

This webinar will discuss the requirements of EUDR including due diligence, information requirements and risk assessment / mitigation. We will ask the audience what GRSB can be doing, in the time left, to assist our members in complying with the legislation to trade into or out of the EU.

This 90-minute webinar is an exclusive GRSB member benefit. Please choose Session 1 or Session 2 and click on the REGISTER HERE button below to register. There will be opportunities for all participants to ask questions and to join in the discussion.

This session will feature English to Spanish simultaneous translation.

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