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GRSB Launches Roundtable Surveys on Global Beef Sustainability Goals Progress

After a long process of collaborative construction of the Global Beef Sustainability Goals and the Measurement and Reporting Framework, GRSB is delivering Key Reporting Documents to their National and Regional Roundtable Members. This is one of the most exciting milestones for GRSB since the official launch of the Global Goals in 2021.

The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) Sustainability Goals were created as a platform to drive progress and help communicate a shared vision for a more sustainable beef industry. The GRSB Sustainability Goals Framework was designed to facilitate a measurement and reporting approach that is globally applicable, locally relevant, and harmonized with existing initiatives.

The Framework acts as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration between national and regional Roundtables as well as other GRSB members. The Key Reporting Documents offer a thorough explanation of what to report and expedite that reporting process with an accessible and uncomplicated structure of check boxes, short descriptions, metrics and performance targets. The Reporting documents are in English and Spanish.

The first round of reporting is due back to GRSB by Monday, September 27, 2023. 

Information provided in the form will be reviewed by GRSB staff or a GRSB authorized representative to confirm progress towards the goals and will be used to support global sustainability reporting and external communications. Data provided in the reporting template may be reported in aggregate and anonymized format as part of GRSB Global Sustainability reporting.

Public reporting of data or information that is identifiable to an individual Roundtable will only be done if it has been first been confirmed with the Roundtable and the Roundtable agrees and approves the external communication.

The template includes four main sections: (1) General Information; (2) Climate; (3) Nature Positive Production; and (4) Animal Health and Welfare.

The Framework includes three main components:

1. Engagement Levels. Qualitative metric to evaluate Roundtable commitments, approach to measurement, and demonstration of progress against the GRSB sustainability goals.

2. Goals and Targets. Quantitative metric and performance target(s) for each goal.

3. Action Plan. Plan specific to each Roundtable includes activities or practices that are needed to meet the goal. Roundtables may use preexisting action plans to address this aspect of the Framework if they meet the GRSB reporting needs.

If a Roundtable has not yet developed goals for a particular topic, they are encouraged to still complete the section on their Engagement Level and include any relevant activities that contribute to the goal in the Action Plan. This information will support understanding, coordination, and messaging related to industry-wide activities that are contributing to the goals, even if the goal is not currently being measured.

For more information on the GRSB sustainability goals is provided at https://grsbeef.org/sustainability-goals.

GRSB would like to thank the members of the Roundtables for their collaboration and active participation, since without their help this important step would not have been reached. Also, It is important to highlight the key role that the leaders of the GRSB Global Goals Working Groups have played in this process.

If you have not received an email with the supporting documents, please reach out to Julie James and she will be happy to send to you.


Powering Progress in Beef Sustainability Communications

We're excited to announce two speakers who will be joining us on October 2 - 4 in San Diego, California, USA for the 
2023 GRSB Sustainability Communicators Summit! 

On Monday, October 2, there is an optional tour of the Imperial Valley.

Dr. Frank Mitloehner will be joining us to help answer questions and give us a deeper educational experience.
 Dr. Frank Mitloehner is a professor at the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He is well known for being passionate about understanding and mitigating air emissions from livestock operations and sharing his knowledge with students, scientists, farmers and ranchers, policy makers, and the public at large. Frank is the director of the CLEAR Center, which has two core purposes – research and communications.

On Tuesday, October 3, Kevin Burkum, Chief Communicator for the Global Dairy Platform is joining our first session 'Communication Progress for Identified Goals' to give us his real-life experience with measuring and communicating sustainability goals. Kevin's company spearheads Pathways to Dairy Net Zero, which is developing and communicating the dairy sector's sustainability efforts of optimizing productivity and reducing emissions worldwide. Their goal is to "bring the essentials for a better life to individuals, families, and communities all over the world."

Join Us!

Register Here for the Communicators Summit

Hotel Reservation Deadline is
Friday, September 15, 2023
at the Rancho Bernando Inn.

Reserve Now

Monday's Tour is Sponsored by:

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