Here are some links to topics and organizations who provided speakers to the US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef General Assembly.
Cattle Trace Video
The development of a cattle disease traceability system has risen to one of the top priorities in the industry throughout multiple segments of the beef value chain. To address this industry-wide priority, U.S. CattleTrace was established from a collaborative effort of traceability programs across the U.S.
The goal of US Cattle Trace is to build a system that is recognized as nationally significant to all domestic and foreign markets. The U.S. CattleTrace disease traceability system strives to be equitable to all industry segments and must be industry-driven and managed by a producer board of directors to ensure data privacy and protection.
AgNext – Sustainable Solutions for Animal Agriculture
With the support of our partner Industry Innovation Group, AgNext works to address the urgent needs of producers and food systems through the lens of animal agriculture to ensure a safe and nutritious food supply.
"Together, as a community of researchers, farmers, ranchers, processors and consumers, we can work to understand our impacts and improve the sustainability of animal agriculture systems." Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, Director AgNext
Low Stress Herding and Stockmanship in Pasture Management
Mike Williams of Diamond W Ranch in California presented to us on the research project he undertook looking at the impact of adopting low stress herding on ranch performance. This video gives the full story on the project, the data it generated, as well as some of the challenges and the benefits of the approach.
Crossing New Lines
For decades, crossbreeding in beef cattle has resulted in hybrid vigor and more beef for consumers. But, what happens when you cross beef bulls with dairy cows?
In the spring of 2020, Oklahoma State University animal and food science researchers started a cattle genetics research project to see how offspring from this cross would fit in the production change, said Paul Beck, animal and food sciences associate professor and OSU Extension beef nutrition specialist.
Sustainable Grazing
William Burnidge presented on Land PKS, an app developed by TNC that can be used to help identify land and soil types, monitor soil health monitor vegetation and track management impacts. Ranchers are working with the Conservancy to develop, test and share tools to adapt management and monitoring plans for grazing operations. These tools will help them improve the economic production of their lands, increase their ecological value, and sustain the health and wellbeing of wildlife.
Water for Tomorrow
Amy Kremen from CSU talked about the Master Irrigator Program, offers farmers and farm managers advanced training on conservation- and efficiency-oriented irrigation management practices and tools. This program is the product of efforts led by several local producers, district management representatives, and others. Colorado Master Irrigator is modeled on the award-winning Master Irrigator program created and run since 2016 by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District in the Texas panhandle.
Beef pleads its case in a changing world.
Scottish agriculturalist Ruaraidh Petre runs the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef from his home in Nelson, unable in the past two years to be able to travel beyond New Zealand to conferences or meetings. After farming here as a young man, he was keen to return, Hugh Stringleman found out.